UW Milwaukee Green Fair
Tue, Dec 6th from 10-2pm @ UWM Student Union, Milwaukee, WI
The UW Milwaukee Green Fair provides a wonderful opportunity for local green businesses to come together, interact with the younger community, provide eco-friendly, hand-made, and fair trade gifts that are made with compassion for the artisans as well as the environment.
It’s imperative to build awareness of this dire movement as large corporations continue to increase their ecological footprint for the sake of profit, as our country continues to drill for oil, as mountaintop removal continues to destroy our country's biological diversity.
The green movement resonates deeply with Rishi Tea. As a local Milwaukee business that prides itself on offering high-quality organic and Fair Trade loose-leaf tea direct from origin, sustainability is a core company philosophy that stems from the organic tea gardens in which our tea is harvested.
While many of our teas are harvested in Asia, South Africa and India, we understand the importance of supporting our local Milwaukee community. Buying local, organic and Fair Trade are increasingly becoming more important. More and more people are conscious of the choices they have as a consumer and are compelled to learn where their products are coming from, under what conditions they are made, and what environmental consequences they may have.
It’s rather simple when you break it down. Buying local helps keep more money in our community. It’s something like .67 cents for every $1 spent locally, stays locally. Organizations like Our Milwaukee are helping build awareness on the importance of buying local. Many local shops and restaurants are adding more and more organic and fair trade products and foods to their menus. Organic is better for the environment, for the people working on the farms and for those consuming the goods. Fair Trade products directly support a better life for the workers and their communities through fair prices, fair wages, direct trade, safe working conditions, environmental sustainability, education and community development. Buying Fair Trade enables and empowers the artisans and farmers in the world’s most economically disadvantaged countries to compete in the global market.
We have to understand that our choices as consumers directly impact other lives. We have the opportunity to better the living and working conditions of artisans around the world, help preserve our environment and build a healthier world for all. Why not make a difference?
-Ghazal Sheei
Marketing Coordinator
Rishi Tea